The wiffle ball really moves when I bat it, and it makes a satisfying little "clink" sound when it bounces off the baseboards. The red ball is really heavy and "clunks" when it hits stuff. It's a good ball to use if I want the peeps to hear from afar that I'm having fun.
Mom brought me four soccer balls and (of course) they're her favorites. We play penalty kicks with whichever one we can find, and wouldn't you know I'm a natural goalkeeper. She can't get a shot past me, so I keep rolling Futbol back for her to try again. The soccer balls also bounce, so I can get them airborne if I'm playing by myself.
That purple yarn ball is perfect for wrestling. I get it up against my chest, trap it with my front paws, and kick it with my back legs until it gives up.
Those other blue things? I found them in the bathroom. They cover the bolts that hold the peeps' litter box to the floor. (Mom's calling them "toilet caps.") Somehow I figured out that I can knock them loose and play my version of air hockey on the vinyl floor. Dad put them back, put I took them off again. Dad decided to let them rest in a drawer for awhile.
I also have a tie-dye ping pong ball that I can't find right now (I rolled it under something) and a round orange mouse that came with me from Kitty Angels. The mouse does a good imitation of a ball, and I've been sharing it with my cat buddies. Lily especially seems to think it's fun. That mouse is around here somewhere... Time to search and play!
I love that the toilet caps have to stay in the drawer for a while. Time out for the toilet caps! Frazier, I'm enjoying your blog so much. You keep those kitty thoughts coming, ok?